This is Tuxinc's dream team

Tuxinc was created by small team of passionate developers. We love to build products that make people's lives easier.

Neeptossss / Gwenaël HUBLER

Hi 👋 I'm Gwenaël, a creative full-stack developer from the French Riviera. Currently studying at @EpitechPromo2026

AlexandreDFM / Alexandre

20 yo | Étudiant 3ème année à l'EPITECH 💻 Assistant Epitech Régional (AER) 👨🏻‍🏫 Ambassadeur Epitech Nice 💙 Coordinateur Coding Club 🐍

RoroLopes / Roman Lopes

Sfievez / Stéphane

Web developer and student at Epitech with the fastest 🚀 gixer of Nice 🏍️